Essay of commands and direct imperfect in Kalimni

We already worked with different verbs in the previous articles and we can start to work with them closely because we have to know about different ways of their using. So, let’s start to work with commands in Kalimni. We know that it is very useful in English and the home of orders is very simple there. If we make looking onto them, we will find that commands “go!” and put!“ deliver subsequent meanings. Every English verb can be in its order form and it names “imperative” but this term is used in English but has other name in Kalimni with the same meaning.

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Essay of verbs in Kalimni

There are different verbs in Kalimni and it gives cases for making compound sentences because we work ordinary with actions which appear in lifetime. It is very important grammar theme and verbs are used every where. We will give not grammar theory but examples, because the grammar of Egyptian isn’t very simple. But the examples, because the grammar of Egyptian isn’t very simple. But the examples can give different ways of their using and it is better to know word without grammar theory than vise versa.

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