The project “Phonology of languages”

Welcome to the project “Phonology of languages”, where histories about languages will be become more interesting than early. The project is a uncommercial site and articles are written by Mary and Ilya Duchanin.

    If you want read about histories of development languages and cultures of Great Britain in the Neolitic and Mesolithic periods, you will read Articles of European languages .

 If you are interested in Afroasiatic languages and their comparing  between themselves, you will  search here Articles of Afroasiatic languages.

   Also, we will explain about phonology Algerian language with his history. And you can read Algerian Arabic phrases with English transcription and Algerian spelling on the different themes. Click here: Algerian Arabic. On our site you find popular Arabic phrases and words, which are been here Arabic vocabulary of phrases and words.

You could look articles of different categories, which are published below:

 If you have got some questions or offers, you will write to us here: Contact or to click to social accounts: Google+or Twitter. Also, if you like to read, you will find some interesting stories on English or Russian Prosa  Ilya Duchanin.

If you want to read something, you can look here, There is a list of My translation works.

 If you are learning Persian languages and you have got some difficulties, you will see and learn language on the canal of  YouTube by Duchanin Ilya. There are many Persian lessons on English and Russian languages.

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